Watch Tower
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  • Hints to complete the quest must be highlighted to be seen!
  • Minimum Required Stats: Lvl 14 Herblaw stat; Lvl 14 Magic stat; Lvl 15 Thieving stat; Lvl 30 Agility stat; Lvl 40 Mining stat
  • Other Requirements: Able to defeat lvl 105 monsters
  • Recommended A cure poison potion (Cure Poison Potion);  a Death rune (Death Rune); 20gp or more; a gold bar (Gold Bar); a set of dragon bones (Dragon Bones); a lit candle (Candle)
  • Start this quest by talking to the Watchtower wizard, who can be found up the handholds found outside of the NW side of Yanille.  He tells you to go look for evidence of the theft.
  • The Evidence: Go down 2 sets of ladders, and then leave the building. Search all of the bushes until you find an eye patch (Eye Patch), some fingernails (Fingernails), a dagger (Dagger), and some armor (Armor).  Now go back to the wizard and talk to him.  He tells you to talk with the ogre settlements around town to find a way to navigate the cave complex.

  • Visit the Settlements: Talk to Grew, who can be found in the island settlement W of Yanille.  Get to the island by tying a rope to the tree that has a bare branch sticking out from it.  He will ask for a tooth from his enemy Gorad, who can be found in the SE settlement.  Now go talk to Og, who is in the settlement that is close to Grew's.  Og will give you a key (Key) and tell you to go get some gold out of a chest that was stolen from him by Toban, who can also be found in the SE settlement.

  • Assemble the Relic (Ogre Relic): Now make sure you have a set of dragon bones with you.  Go SE from Yanille and you will see Gorad's settlement, but the bridge to the settlement is out.  Continue S, then W until you reach a cave.  Go in and you will come out on the island.  Kill lvl 78 Gorad () to get the tooth (Ogre Tooth).  Now go steal from Toban's chest.  Now give Toban his dragon bones so that he will give you a relic piece (Ogre Relic Part).  Now go give Grew the tooth and Og the gold to get the other 2 relic pieces (Ogre Relic Part) (Ogre Relic Part), and a crystal (Powering Crystal1).  Now go speak with wizard, who will assemble the relic for you.  Now all you have to do is recover the other 3 pieces of the crystal.

  • To the crystals: To the SSW of Yanille, there is a road that leads off to the NW.  Follow it while having the statue on you and the lvl 96 ogre guards () will let you through the gate.  Steal from the SW stall in the marketplace to get some rock cake (Rock Cake) (it reduces your HP when eaten).  Now continue on down the road and give the guard the cake.  Beware the poison spider in the chest on this road (you may want a cure poison potion for this).  Continue down the road, where you must give the guards the rock cake to pass.  The next obstacle is paying the next guards 20gp every time you try to jump the gap.  Pay the guards, then jump over the gap.  The next guards will ask you a riddle for which the answer is death rune.  Give the guards a death rune and they will give you a map (Skavid Map).  Now go SE near the stonehenge and enter the cave next to the guards.  Talk to the Skavids and they will begin to teach you their language.  Now go around to all of the caves until you have given all of the correct responses to all of the Skavids.

  • The 2nd Crystal (Powering Crystal2): Now go to the SE gate. You can get in by bribing the guards with a gold bar.  Go across the bridge and into the cave.  Speak with the mad Skavids and give the proper response to get the second crystal.  Make sure to grab a nightshade (Nightshade) from the cave.

  • The 3rd Crystal (Powering Crystal3): The 3rd crystal is gotten by destroying all of the Ogre Shamans.  Talk with the wizard back in Yanille and he will tell you about the ingredients needed to make the potion to destroy them.  Go collect 1 water filled vial (Vial filled with water), jangerberries (Jangerberry) from Ogre Isle, a guam leaf (Guam Leaf), and crushed bat bones [use mortar & pestle (Mortar & Pestle) w/ bat bones (Bat Bones)].  If these ingredients are not mixed in the correct order, the potion will explode and give you damage.  The correct order is the guam leaf in the vial [unfinished potion (Unfinished Guam Leaf Potion)], then add the jangerberries [unfinished potion (Unfinished Potion)], then the crushed bat bones.  This will make the ogre potion (Ogre Potion).  Now get this enchanted by the wizard back in Yanille by talking with him after making it to make it a magic ogre potion (Magic Ogre Potion).  Now go to the marketplace cave by using the nightshade with the guards.  Watch out, this cave contains lvl 105 Blue Dragons (), lvl 78 Ogre Chieftains (), and Ogre Shamans. Use the potion with each of the 6 Ogre Shaman to kill them.  After killing them, you will get the crystal.

  • The Last Crystal (Powering Crystal4):  Mine the Rock of Dalgroth, found in the middle of the room, to get the last crystal.

  • Get the Reward: Go back and talk with the wizard in Yanille after getting all 4 crystals.  Then he will ask you to pull a lever.  Pull it to activate a magic shield. 

  • Reward: 4 Quest Point(s); 5000gp; 14000 Magic exp; The ability to use the lvl 58 Watchtower Teleport spell after reading a scroll