Digsite Quest
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  • Hints to complete the quest must be highlighted to be seen!
  • Minimum Required Stats: Lvl 10 Herblaw stat; Lvl 10 Agility stat; Lvl 25 Thieving stat
  • Required Items: A chisel (Chisel); a tinderbox (Tinderbox); a vial (Vial)
  • Start this quest by talking to Examiner, who can be found at the digsite to the SE of Varrock.  Before you do this, talk to the Archeological expert who will ask you to bring him anything you find.  The examiner will give you an unstamped certificate of recommendation (Unstamped Certificate of Recommendation) and tell you to get it stamped. 
  • Certification: Go see the museum curator in Varrock to get the certificate stamped, thus making it a stamped letter of recommendation (Stamped Letter of Recommendation).  Now return and give the examiner the letter.  She will then ask you a series of questions.

  • To the Digsite: Now leave the house and go W into a maze.  Go through the maze to reach the digsite.  Talk to the three students and you will discover that all of them have lost their rock samples.  Returning the samples will net you the answers to the 1st lvl exam!

  • 1st Sample (1st Rock Sample): Talk to the student with the orange shirt and he will say that he lost his sample while walking along a stream.  Now go E along the river until you spot the Guide (teaches how to pan).  Go into the house to the S and grab the bucket (Bucket) and the panning tray (Panning Tray).  Use the tray on a panning spot on the river and the guide will stop you.  He will only let you pan if you get him a cup of tea.  Get the tea by going into Varrock and buying a cup of tea (Cup of Tea) from the cup seller, who can be found just S of the E entrance, for 10gp.  Now go back and talk with the Guide.  Now just use the pan tray on the panning spot until you get the rock sample. (The People eligible to use the digsite are the ones who have passed the appropriate Earthsciences exam)

  • 2nd Sample (2nd Rock Sample): Talk to the female student and she will tell you that she lost her sample during a walk.  Leave the site and go to the SE.  Search the bushes until you find the rock sample. (The proper health & safety points are: gloves and boots worn at all times, proper tools must be used)

  • 3rd Sample (3rd Rock Sample): The third student asks you to check people's pockets until you find the sample.  Pickpocket a workman until you get the rock sample. (Earthsciences is the study of the Earth, its contents, and its history)

  • Exams & Certificates: Now go back to the Examiner and answer all her questions correctly to get a Lvl 1 certificate (Lvl 1 Certificate) and a trowel (Trowel).  Speak with her again to find out that there is another exam.  Go show the curator the certificate.  Now go to the Examiner's house and search the bookcase in the house to get the Book of Experimental Chemistry (Book of Experimental Chemistry).  Read it to learn about how to make an explosive.  Go talk to the male students at the site and they will give you some answers [(Correct sample transportation: samples taken in rough form, kept only in sealed containers) (Correct rockpick usage: always handle with care, strike the rock cleanly on its cleaving point)].  The girl will ask for a cut opal (Cut Opal) for an answer.  Go to the panning sites and pan until you get an uncut opal (Uncut Opal).  Cut it with the chisel and give it to the girl for more answers (Finds handling: Finds must be carefully handled, and gloves worn).  Now go to the Examiner and correctly answer all her questions to get a Lvl 2 Certificate (Lvl 2 Certificate).  Show it to the curator.  Now talk to the guys again for more answers [(proper technique for bone handling: handle bones very carefully, & keep away from other samples) (specimen brush use: brush carefully and slowly, using short strokes)], then give the girl another cut opal for the final answer (Sample preparation: samples cleaned and carried only in specimen jars).  Return to the Examiner, correctly answer all questions, and you'll have a Lvl 3 Certificate (Lvl 3 Certificate).  Show it to the curator.

  • Digging at the Site: This is for those of you that wish to detour from the quest and go digging.  To dig at the site, you must at least have a lvl 1 certificate.  Different areas of the site can be accessed once you obtain the proper lvl certificate.  Lvl 1 areas only require digging with a trowel.  Lvl 2 sites utilize a rock pick (Rock Pick) (found in Examiner's house).  Lvl 3 sites require a specimen jar (Specimen Jar) (found under some sacks at the digsite) to be able to dig there.  Take what you get back to the expert and he'll tell you its value.

  • Explosives: Now go back to the digsite and use the trowel with the barrels until a liquid comes out.  Use the vial with the barrel to get some of the unidentified liquid (Unidentified Liquid).  Go to an Archeological expert to get the liquid IDed as nitroglycerin.  DO NOT drop the vial because it will explode and cause a huge amount of damage.  Pickpocket a workman to get a rope (Rope).  Now go to center of the site and use the rope with a winch to go down.  Go E and search the brick wall to find out that you will need an explosive to open it.  Continue E until you find an Arcenia root (Arcenia Root), which you should take.  From now on, the experts can be used to ID the stuff you dig up.  You will now need to get a specimen brush (Specimen Brush) by pickpocketing a workman.  You will also need gloves (Leather Gloves) and boots (Leather Boots) if you want to dig in the site.  Go to the NE section of the dig and find the skeleton.  Dig here with the trowel until you get the  Talisman of Zamos (Talisman of Zamos).  Go show it to an expert.  He will give you a letter (Letter) that will grant you access to a private mine shaft.  Go down the private mineshaft and talk (beg) with a workman there to get the chest key (Chest Key).  Go to the tent with a chest in it at the site.  Open the chest to get an unidentified power (Unidentified Powder).  An expert will ID it as ammonium nitrate.  Now make an explosive by adding the powder to make mixed chemicals (Mixed Chemicals), then add ground charcoal (Ground Charcoal) to make mixed chemicals (Mixed Chemicals), then add the Arcenia root.  This will create an explosive compound (Explosive Compound).

  • Find the Temple: Now take the explosive compound and use it with the brick wall in the cave.  Note that to go back down the winch, you must use a rope with it again.  Now use the tinderbox with the brick to blow down the brick wall.  Now go straight and grab the stone tablet (Stone Tablet).  Now fight your way through the lvl 21 Skeletons (Lvl 21 Skeleton) to get back to an expert.

  • Get the Reward: Show an expert the tablet.

  • Reward: 2 Quest Points; 19200 Mining exp; 4250 Herblaw exp; 2 Gold Bars (Gold Bar)