- Hints
to complete the quest must be highlighted to be seen!
- Minimum Required Stats: Lvl 32 Agility
Lvl 20 Crafting stat
- Other Requirements: Able to defeat lvl 83
monsters; Have completed Jungle Potion
- Start this quest by speaking to Molsol, who can be found
near a cart blocking the entrance to a horde of enemies on the southern end
of Karamja.
Find out the Problem:
Molsol will tell you that all of the lvl 62 UndeadOnes () were
summoned by
Rashiliya, the Queen of the Dead. He tells you to go talk to Truitus
about how to end the evil plague of the undead. Truitus tells you
about the mysterious of Al-Za Rhoon which might contain a clue to the
plague. Make sure that you ask all of the questions or you will be
unable to enter the temple.
The Temple: Grab a
spade ( )
and head ESE of Truitus' village. Cross the logs that you find, then
head S. Now cross the stepping stones that you come upon. Now
use the spade with the bumpy dirt. You can now enter the hidden temple
of Al-Za Rhoon! Beware of all of the lvl 62 UndeadOnes and lvl 21
skeletons ( ) that are walking around the rooms. Search the rubble near
the ruined table in order to actually enter the temple. Search the
pile of rubble to the left of where you enter and keep carefully moving the
rocks until you get a tattered scroll ( ).
Now head through the temple until you find a sack next to another broken
table. Search the sack to get a crumpled scroll ( ).
Now search the gallows at the end of the temple to get Zadimus corpse ( ).
Now the two ways out of the temple are to climb the rocks next to the
waterfall outside of the temple or to craft the broken table outside of the
temple into a raft. Now head back to Truitus.
Bervirius' Tomb: Use all of
the items from the temple with Truitus to discover more about the Queen of
the Dead. Now he says for you to go bury the remains next to the
statue in the middle of the village. Do so and a ghost will appear and
talk to you. The ghost will then disappear and leave you with a bone
shard ( ).
Now head directly S until you find a rock pile leading up to a bridge to an
island. Climb the rocks, then jump the barrier on the bridge (note
that if you fail to jump the barrier, you will be washed down stream of the
bridge and lose health). Search the rocks on the NE part of the island
to enter the tomb. Go search the dolmen in order to receive a sword
pommel ( ),
Bervirius tomb notes ( ),
and a locating crystal ( ).
The only way out is to climb the handholds on the wall near the
dolmen. Now go show the 3 new items to Truitus. The message the
ghost gave you means to go get a chisel ( )
and hammer ( ).
Use the chisel on the pommel to create beads ( ).
Now create a "crafting item" from 1 bronze bar. This will
make bronze wire ( ).
Use the beads with the wire to create the necklace called Beads of the Dead
( ).
The Queen's Tomb:
Truitus will tell you to go find Rashiliya's tomb. It can be found
across the log bridge that you crossed earlier to reach the temple.
Search some trees directly E of the logs bridge to find the entrance to the
temple. Use a chisel with the bone shard to create the bone key ( ),
which can open the tomb's door. Now you must kill 3 lvl 62 UndeadOnes and collect the bones
( )
that they drop. Use the bones with the door to
the real tomb. Now search the dolmen and you will be attacked by
Nazastarool, who takes on the forms of a
lvl 83 zombie, a lvl 83 skeleton, and finally a lvl 83 ghost. If you
flee from these opponents, they will retreat back into the dolmen and return
with full health. Please note that you will not have to fight forms
that you have already defeated. Defeat all 3 and search the dolmen again. You will get
Rashiliya's corpse ( ).
Get the Reward: Use
this corpse on the dolmen in Bervirius' tomb to
finish the quest.
- Reward: 2 Quest Points; ?000 Crafting
Access to Shilo Village in order to mine up new gems [Jade (
), Opal
( ),
Red topaz ( )];
Beads of the Dead ( )