Tribal Totem
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  • Hints to complete the quest must be highlighted to be seen!
  • Minimum Required Stats: Lvl 21 Thieving stat
  • Start this quest by speaking to Kangai Mau, who can be found near the Shrimp & Parrot pub in Brimhaven.  He tells you how a person named Handelmort came down to Karamja and stole his tribe's totem (Tribal Totem).  He asks you to get it back.
  • Find the Mansion: Go to Ardougne, then obtain a copy of the tourist guide (Tourist Guide).  Now find the gardener (Horacio) at the mansion and he will reveal much about the security measures at the house.

  • Enter the Mansion: Talk to Wizard Cromperty and he will tell you that he has invented a teleportation device.  Ask him to teleport you, and you will end up in the RPDT depot.  Search the other crates until you find one going to Handelmort mansion.  You will take the label (Address Label) and switch it with the one on the crate containing the teleporter.  Talk to the RPDT employee to have the crates shipped.  Now go back to the wizard and have him teleport you again.  Now you are inside the mansion.

  • Retrieve the Totem: Read the tourist guide.  It will tell you Handelmort's middle name (Bradley).  The first four letters (BRAD) are the code that will let you through the locked door.  Now pick the lock on the next door.  Then disarm the trap on the stairs.  Go upstairs. Search the chest to find the totem.  Go back downstairs and exit the house via the ladder in the room you were teleported to.

  • Get the Reward: Return the totem to Kangai Mau.

  • Reward: 1 Quest Point; 2165 Thieving exp; 5 Cooked Swordfish (Cooked Swordfish)