- Hints
to complete the quest must be highlighted to be seen!
- Start this quest by speaking to Brother Kojo inside the
clock tower S of the Ardougne Zoo. He says that the tower has broken
and the townspeople were getting mad. He asks you to help him fix the
clock. He then tells you that there are 4 cogs missing (red, blue,
purple, black). He says that the cogs can be found in the cellar (the
six ladders outside his house).
Red Cog (
Go past the lvl 58 Ogres ()
and grab the red cog.
Blue Cog (
Go to the ladder located just to the SW of the
Carnillean house. Climb down the ladder located there. Walk down
the hallway until you encounter an odd looking wall. Push the wall and
grab the blue cog.
Purple Cog (
Get some poison (
to kill the rats. Use the lever to open the first gate. Place
the poison in the food trough next to the cages of lvl 16 Dungeon
Rats (
). Now use the levers to close the first
gate and open the second gate. Now go back and search for the cog.
Black Cog (
Get a bucket of water (
The black cog can be found next to some fires to the WNW of the clock
tower's basement. The fires have made the cog to hot to pick up.
Use the water on the cog to be able to pick it up.
Place Cogs on Poles:
The blue cog goes on the blue pole in the basement.
The black cog foes on the black pole on the first floor. The red cog
goes on the red pole on the second floor. The purple cog goes on the
purple rod on the third floor.
Get the Reward:
Talk to Kojo after you fix the tower.
- Reward: 1 Quest Point; 500 gp