Tourist Trap
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  • Hints to complete the quest must be highlighted to be seen!
  • Minimum Required Stats: Lvl 10 Fletching stat; Lvl 20 Smithing stat
  • Recommended Items: at least 200 gp, a desert top (Desert Robe Top), a desert bottom (Desert Robe Bottom), desert shoes (Desert Boots), 1 or 2 waterskins (Waterskin), a knife (Knife), some sort of weapon, a hammer (Hammer), 1 or 2 bronze bars (Bronze Bar), 10 or 20 feathers (Feathers), and an Entrance Pass (Shantay Entrance Pass).  Most of these items can be gotten at a shop near the entrance to the desert.
  • Start this quest by going to the Shantay Pass, found S of Al Kharid.  Talk with Shantay to buy any required items, then give your Entrance Pass to the Shantay Guard.  Now enter the desert.  Note that while in the desert, you will use up the water in your water skin.  If you run out of water, you lose HP until you die.  To fill up a water skin, use a knife with a cactus.  Once in the desert, find Irena, who will ask you to find her daughter.
  • Enter the Prison: Head S until you spot the mining camp.  Go to the entrance and look for the lvl 64 Mecenary Captain ().  Choose the option to watch him to discover that he forces the guards to do his "dirty work".  Ask him if there is anything you can do for him and he will ask you to kill the desert bandits' leader, Al Zaba Bhasim.  Refuse and tell him that he can't do his own dirty work and you will fight him.  Kill him to get a metal key (Metal Key).  Now de-equip you weapon and armor and use the key on the gate to enter the jail.  Note that if you leave your weapon and armor equipped, the guards will throw you in a cell.  To escape the cell, click on the window to get out, then climb the rocks outside.  When you enter the prison, enter the building, go upstairs, and search the desk to get the cell door key (Cell Door Key) (you can unlock the jail cell door now).  Now go back outside and find a slave dressed in green clothes.  Talk to him and remove his handcuffs.  Now exchange clothing with him.  You give him your desert boots, and desert robe top & bottom, and he will give you a slave robe top (Slave Robe Top) & bottom (Slave Robe Bottom).

  • Underground Mine: Be warned that if you are caught with a weapon or no slave robes on, you will be thrown into the cell.  Enter the gate at the corner of the mountain.  Walk to the far end of this passageway and talk to the guard found there.  Tell him that you want to change mining spots.  He will respond that in order to allow you to get a different spot, you must give him a pineapple.

  • Get the Pineapple: Exit the mining camp and head W to the bandits' camp.  Now talk to Al Shabim.  Tell him you want a pineapple and he will tell you that you can have one if you get the plans for a new weapon.  He then gives you a Bedobin copy key (Bedobin Copy Key) that will be used open the chest in the mining camp.

  • Get the Plans: Go back to the mining camp and enter the prison building.  Now talk to Captain Siad and say fire, fire! until he looks out the window.  When he does this, you must loot the chest that he was guarding.  You will get the technical plans (Technical Plans).

  • Make the Weapon: Now return to the Tenti's camp and show Al Shabim the plans that you stole.  He will tell you that the plans require 1 bronze bar and 10 feathers.  He will also give you access to the tent on the other side of the small lake where you can find an anvil.  Show the guards around this tent the plans and they will let you in it.  Use the bronze bar on the anvil and say yes to follow the plans (Note that this is not always successful the first time) and create an experimental dart head (Experimental Dart Heads).  Attach the feathers to the dart head and you will have an experimental throwing dart (Experimental Throwing Dart).  Go back and show Al Shabim the weapon that you made.  He will then give you a pineapple (Pineapple), 6 bronze darts (Bronze Darts), and the ability to make darts of your own.

  • Find and Free Ana: Return to the mining camp and give the pineapple to the guard who asked for it.  Continue on down the passage until you find a cart.  Examine the barrels (Mining Barrel) to pick one up.  Now search the cart and say you want a ride.  In the area you have been taken to, Ana can be found on the left of the three paths.  Use the barrel with her to put her in the barrel (Ana in a Barrel), then put the barrel back on the cart.  Now ride back on the cart.  Search the barrels to get the one that Ana is hidden in.  Head towards the lift, then use the barrel on the lift.  Ask the guard for help and he will answer a question, which has an answer of "gregorious".  This will make the guard help you.  Now exit the tunnels, making sure that your slave robes are on and that you do not have a weapon equipped.  Operate the lift and search the barrels to find Ana's barrel again.  Put it on the cart and hop on the cart yourself.  Make a few jokes with him until he laughs, then you will tell him your problem and ask him to drive the cart out without any questions for 10 gp.  He will then ask for 100 gp.  Grant his request.  You will find yourself outside of the mining camp.  Go back to Irena to get your reward.

  • Get the Reward: Return Ana to her mother.

  • Reward: 2 Quest Points; 9000 exp (per choice) in any 2 of the following skills (may choose the same one twice): Smithing, Agility, Thieving, Fletching; a wrought iron key (Wrought Iron Key) that allows access to the locked mining area in the mining camp (addy & mith rocks).