Sea Slug Quest
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  • Hints to complete the quest must be highlighted to be seen!
  • Minimum Required Stats: Lvl 30 Firemaking stat
  • Start this quest by talking to Caroline, who can be found just east of the Karamja ship in Ardougne.  She will ask you to go to an offshore fishing platform to check on her husband (Kent) and son (Kennith), whom she hasn't herd from all week.
  • Get to the Platform: Talk to Holgart and ask him to take you to the platform.  He tells you that he needs Swamp Paste to make his boat float again.

  • Get the Swamp Paste (Swamp Paste): Swamp tar (Swamp Tar) can be found in the swamps of Lumbridge.  Mix it with some flour to create an uncooked swamp paste (Uncooked Swamp Paste).  Cook the uncooked paste to get Swamp paste.  Then bring it back to Holgart and fix his boat.

  • Find Kennith: Talk to Bailey the cook.  Then use the ladder and go find Kennith at the other end.  Talk to him and he will tell you about his father.

  • Find Kent: Talk to Holgart again and set out to find Kent.  When you find him, he starts talking about the fisherman pulling up some sea slugs.  Then he ran for help, but left his son on the platform.  He asks you to go back and rescue Kennith.

  • Rescue Kennith: Speak to Holgart and sail back to the platform.  Go talk to Bailey the cook and he will give you an unlit torch (Unlit Torch).  Go collect some damp sticks (Damp Sticks) and broken glass (Broken Glass).  Use the glass on the sticks to make dry sticks (Dry Sticks), then rub the sticks together.  This will light the torch ().  now find Kennith and ask him to come out.  He refuses to leave through the door.  Break open the panel on the wall near to him and ask him to come out.  He will then come out via the broken panel.  Go to the crane and operate it.  Kennith will jump on the crane and be lowered down to Holgart's boat.  Go speak to Holgart and he will say that he has taken Kennith back to the mainland.  Ride back with Holgart.

  • Getting the Reward: Talk to Caroline after saving Kent & Kennith.

  • Reward: 1 Quest Point; Oyster Pearls (Oyster Pearls); ??? Fishing exp