- Hints
to complete the quest must be highlighted to be seen!
- Minimum Required Stats: Lvl 33
Magic Stat; Lvl 30
Smithing Stat; Lvl 30
Mining Stat
- Start this quest by talking to the Guildmaster of the
Champions Guild. Ask him about runeite platemail.
- He will tell you to go find his friend Oziach (he
lives east of Edgeville)
- He will ask you where you heard about his rune platemail. (Say
that the Champions Guild Guildmaster sent you)
- He will then give you the quest of finding 3 pieces of a
map, using them to sail to Crandor Isle (see world
map), killing the dragon
on the isle, then returning to get the platemail. The first problem is
that the three pieces of the map are scattered across the free Runescape
world (non-wilderness areas).
Part 1 (): Ask
Oziach about this piece of the map. He will say that it is located in
Melzar's maze, then give you the key ( ) that will open the maze's front door.
Melzar's Maze: A
large, multi-story building where each floor is built like a maze, and there
is a certain type of enemy. Each enemy will drop a different color
key. The keys can only be used to open certain doors on that
floor. Pick the correct ladders (see
here for hints) to proceed through the maze. The
first key is the Red key ( ), gotten from killing lvl 13 Giant
Rats ( ). The
next key, the Orange key ( ), comes from killing lvl 25 Ghosts ( ). The third
key, the Yellow key ( ), comes from killing lvl 31
Skeletons ( ). The fourth
key, the Blue key ( ), is obtained by killing lvl 32
Zombies ( ). Take the
left door (when looking straight through the ladder and directly at the
doors) to leave the maze without getting the map piece. Take the right
door to fight lvl 45 Melzar the Mad ( ) for the Magenta key ( ). Head for the
room with the lvl 79 Lesser Demon ( ) in it. Kill the demon
(use Silverlight ( )
to make it easier) to receive the
final key, the Black key ( ). Use the black key on the door that leads to
a room with a chest ( )
and a ladder in it. Search the chest to get the
map piece, then use the ladder to leave the maze.
Part 2 (): The second piece of
the map can be found in the locked room in the Dwarven Mine. Oziach
tells you to go ask the oracle on the mountain to the north of the mine what
is needed to enter the room (must ask the oracle to be able to open the
room). The oracle says that you need to have a lobster pot ( ), a Wizard's
Mind Bomb ( )
(bought in the Falador pub), an unfired bowl (), and a silk sheet () (obtained in Al
Kharid) in your
inventory. Go in, search the chest to find the second map piece, then
go back out.
Part 3 (): Go
to Port Sarim's Jail. Find the goblin in the cell near the end of the
row. Kill him by shooting him with arrows, or blasting him with magic
spells (can't fight him with swords because of cell bars). When he
dies, he will drop the third and final piece of the map. To get this
piece, you must be able to cast telekinetic grab (lvl 33 Magic spell).
Cast telekinetic grab on the piece, thus placing it in your inventory.
Use the map pieces with each other to put the map ()
Protection: You will
definitely want to have the Anti Dragon Breath Shield ( ) because the dragon's
breath will take off 60 HP per strike. Get this shield by talking to
the Duke of Lumbridge (2nd Floor of Lumbridge Castle) and asking for the
Transportation: Buy the Lady
Lumbridge (ship at Port Sarim) for 2000gp. Then fix the ship by using
3 planks ( )
(obtained at lvl 20 Wilderness directly N of
the Jolly Boar Inn)
and 12 steel nails ( )
(lvl 30 smithing and 1 steel bar ( )
per 2 nails) with the
hole () on the inside of the ship.
Navigator: Talk to Ned (the
rope guy in Draynor Village). Ask him to sail your ship to Crandor
Isle. Say yes when he asks if he really can sail the ship.
Go to the Dragon: Stock up on
any items you want to take with you (armor, weapon, shield, HP restoring
items, etc.) and bring enough runes to be able to teleport back to the
mainland. Go into your ship, and give Ned the map. He will sail
the ship to Crandor Isle, but it will crash on the rocks, creating an
unfixable hole (at least for now). Go out onto the island. You
must now make your way through a gauntlet of enemies just to reach the
stairs to the dragon's lair. The enemies outside the lair are as
follows: lvl 31 Skeletons ( ),
lvl 36 King Scorpions (), lvl 32 Hobgoblins ( ), some
lvl 62 Moss Giants () (optional to fight), and a lvl 79 Lesser Demon ( ). Go down
the stairs. Inside are three rooms. The first contains lvl 31 Skeletons
( ).
The second contains lvl 54 Skeletons (). The final room
contains the lvl 110 Green Dragon ().
Kill the Dragon:
Make sure to wear the Anti Dragon Breath Shield or the dragon will remove
more than 45 HP from your HP stat. Run behind the pillars if you need
to restore HP. Please note that although prayer and magic can be used
on the dragon, they are rendered almost ineffective. Once you kill the
dragon, you will be teleported back into the midst of the lvl 54 skeletons.
Head S to find some lvl 79 Lesser Demons. Go past them and push the
Odd Looking Wall, thus creating another way to get to Crandor.
Get the Reward: Slay the dragon.
Reward: 2 Quest Points; ??? Attack exp; ???
Strength exp; ability to buy runeite plate mail body armor ( )
from Oziach (costs ???? gp); ability to wear runeite plate mail body armor