Prince Ali Rescue
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  • Hints to complete the quest must be highlighted to be seen!
  • Start this quest by going to Al Kharid and talking to Hassan, who is found wandering around inside the palace.  Ask him if he needs help, and he will send you outside to speak with Osman.  He will ask you to go rescue the captured prince.  If you ask him, he will tell you what you need to complete this quest.  He tells you to go see his daughter (Leela), who is wandering around in Draynor Village, which is where the jail the prince is trapped in is located.
  • Part 1 (Disguise): Make a rope (Rope) by giving Ned 4 balls of yarn (or just 15gp) and telling him you want a rope.  Then ask Ned to make a wig (Plain Wig) for you (takes 3 balls of yarn (Yarn Ball)). Make the wig blond (Blond Wig) by getting a yellow dye (Yellow Dye) (2 onions (Onion) & 5gp) from Aggie.  Get a pink dress (Pink Skirt) like Lady Keli's (found on a table in Varrock). Have Aggie make a skin paste (Skin Paste) for you (requires ashes (Ashes), flour (Pot of Flour), water (Water in a Bucker or Water in a Jug), & redberries (Redberries)).

  • Part 2 (Key): Make an imprint of her key by having some wet clay (Wet Clay) (clay (Clay) + water(Water in a Jug or Water in a Bucket)) in your inventory.  Ask to see the key, then ask to touch it in order to make an imprint (Key Imprint).  Take the imprint and a bronze bar (Bronze Bar) to Osman in order to make a copy of the key (Draynor Jail Key).  You will be paid 80gp. You can get the key from Leela.

  • Part 3 (Defeat Guard): Talk to Joe, who you must incapacitate before the quest can be completed.  Talk to him a little and you find out that he will be dead drunk after 3 beers (Beer).

  • Free the Prince:  Go talk to Leela one last time before beginning the jailbreak.  Take the three beers and give them to Joe.  This will incapacitate him.  Then go tie Lady Keli up with the rope.  Take the copy of her key that you made and open the cell door.  Give the prince his entire disguise.  He will thank you, then leave the cell.

  • Getting the Reward: Return to Hassan to claim your reward. The go through gate for free reward is automatically activated when you free the prince.

  • Reward: Ability to go to and from Al Kharid for free, 620gp, 3 Quest Points