Demon Slayer
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  • Hints to complete the quest must be highlighted to be seen!
  • Start this quest by talking to the Gypsy (costs 1 gp) who is wandering around the SW edge of the Varrock marketplace.  She tells you about a demon and how it was defeated before by a legendary blade called Silverlight.  You have now been chosen to defeat this horror before it can be unleashed upon the world.  You must get the sword from its previous owner before you can slay the demon.  Ask her about the location of Silverlight.
  • Get the Sword: Go talk to Sir Prysin, who can be found on the 1st floor of the Varrock Castle.  He tells you that the chest (Chest) that Silverlight is locked in requires three keys to open.  The problem is that he only has one of the keys.  You must collect the other two before going and destroying Delrith.  The keys look like this (Silverlight Key)

  • Key #1: Talk to Captain Rovin and he will give you the key.

  • Key #2: Go talk to Traiborn the wizard, who lives on the 2nd floor of the Wizard's tower.  He will give you the key in exchange for 25 sets of bones (Regular Bones).

  • Key #3: This key is lodged in the drain outside the Varrock Castle kitchen.  Pour a bucket of water (Water in a Bucket or Water in a Jug) down the drain (Sewer Drain) to knock the key down into the sewers.  Go into the sewers (! mark E of Varrock Castle) and grab the key (it is in the room you come into).

  • When you have all of the keys, talk to Prysin again.  He will take the keys from you and give you Silverlight (Silverlight) (Silverlight is strong against all types of demons (excluding imps)).

  • Defeating Delrith: Take Silverlight, then go talk to the Gypsy again.  She will tell you the incantation that will weaken Delrith (Carlem Aber Camerinthum Purchai Gabindo).  Go to the Stonehenge-esque circle S of Varrock, then attack lvl 45 Delrith (Lvl 45 Delrith) with Silverlight equipped.  Say the incantation and attack until you kill him.

  • Get the Reward: Defeat Delrith

  • Reward: 3 Quest Points; Silverlight (11 WeaponAim, 11 WeaponPower)