Sheep Shearer
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  • Hints to complete the quest must be highlighted to be seen!
  • Start this quest by talking to the guy (Fred the Farmer) who lives in the house at the NW corner of the sheep pen that is N of Lumbridge.  He will ask you to shear his sheep and spin the sheared wool into 20 balls of yarn.
  • Making Yarn: Buy or get a pair of shears (Shears).  Use them with the sheep to get some wool (Wool).  Use the wool with a spinning wheel (Spinning Wheel) (see world map to find one) to create balls of yarn (Yarn Ball).

  • Getting the Reward: Give the 20 balls of yarn to the guy.  He keeps track of how many balls you have given him so far.

  • Reward: 60 gp, 1 Quest Point, 150 Crafting exp