Witch's Potion
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  • Hints to complete the quest must be highlighted to be seen!
  • Start this quest by talking to the witch (Hetty), who can be found in Rimmington.  She wants to make a potion that will increase your magic stat, but she needs you to get the ingredients.
  • Ingredient #1: A rat's tail (Rat's Tail).  Obtained by killing a rat (Lvl 2 Rat) in Rimmington after talking to Hetty.

  • Ingredient #2: An eye of newt (Eye of Newt).  Obtained by buying it from the Port Sarim magic shop.

  • Ingredient #3: An onion (Onion). Go find it in a field N of Rimmington (near Melzar's Maze).

  • Ingredient #4: A piece of burnt meat (Burnt Meat).  Cook meat until you burn one piece, or just find one from someone else.

  • Once you get all of the ingredients, bring them back to Hetty. She will put the ingredients into the cauldron (Cauldron).  Select drink from cauldron in order to complete the quest.
  • Reward: 1 Quest Point, 275 Magic exp.