Vampire Slayer
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  • Hints to complete the quest must be highlighted to be seen!
  • Start this quest by talking to Morgan in Draynor Village.  He asks you to kill a vampire.  He suggests that you go see his friend (Dr. Harlow) who likes to be in the Jolly Boar Inn.
  • Finding the Inn:  The Jolly Boar Inn is located to the NE of Varrock, just S of the Wilderness border.  Find Dr. Harlow, the drunken ex-vampire slayer, and talk to him about the vampire.  He tells you that he will give you a vampire-killing stake (Wooden Steak) if you go buy him a drink (Beer) from the inn's bartender.  Buy him the drink because the stake is needed to kill the vampire.  Go back to him and say "Ok Mate." to get the stake.

  • Killing the Vampire: To kill the vampire, you must have the stake and a hammer (Hammer) in your inventory.  If you want to make your job easier, have 1 garlic (Garlic) (found on the 2nd floor of a building in Draynor Village) in your inventory to take off some of the vampire's HP.  Go to Draynor Manor, then go into the basement.  Count Draynor (Lvl 43 Count Draynor) is the vampire you must kill.  If there are no Count Draynors in sight, open the coffin (Coffin) to have some more regenerate.  Equip the stake as your weapon.  When you kill the vampire, you will pound the stake through his heart.

  • Get the Reward: Kill the vampire.

  • Reward: 3 Quest Points; ???? Attack exp