Ernest The Chicken
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  • Hints to complete the quest must be highlighted to be seen!
  • Start this quest by talking to Ernest's wife (Veronica), who can be found near the gate in the fence around Draynor Manor.  She asks you to go into the house and find her husband, Ernest.
  • Go up the stairs and then up the ladder on the left so that you are on the top floor, where a strange machine is visible.  Talk to the mad scientist (Professor Oddenstine) to discover that the machine has turned Ernest into a chicken and that the house gremlins have stolen important parts of the machine.  They have hidden them somewhere on the manor grounds.  In order to make him human again, you must find all of the parts.
  • Part 1: A rubber tube (Rubber Tube).  This tube is located in the locked closet under the stairs that has a lvl 21 skeleton () walking around in it.  To get the key, take a spade (Spade) out to the compost pile and dig until you get the key (Closet Key).  Go back to the closet and get the tube.

  • Part 2: A pressure gauge (Pressure Gauge).  It is located in a piranha-infested fountain.  To get the gauge, you must first kill the piranhas.  To do this, get a bottle of poison (Bottle of Poison) and use it with a package of fish food (Fish Food).  Use the poisoned fish food with the fountain (Fountain) to kill the piranhas.  Then get the gauge out of the fountain.

  • Part 3: An oil can (Oil Can).  It is located in the basement of the manor.  To get the door to the room it is in to unlock, you must trip a series of switches.                                               Oil Can Puzzle Map  First pull switches A & B down.  Then go into the room with switches C & D.  Pull D down and leave C alone.  Go back and pull A & B up.  Then go to the room with switches E & F in it.  Pull both levers down.  Then go and pull C down.  Then go back and pull E up.  Now go get the oil can.

  • Have all the parts in your inventory, then talk to the Scientist on the third floor.  He will take the parts, fix the machine, and Ernest will become a man again.

  • Reward: 300 gp, 4 Quest Points