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  • Ranging Calculators: None Available

Ranging | Weapons & Info | Thrown Weapons

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  • Ranging: This skill is used to attack other people and monsters from a distance.  This skill involves bows & arrows (can be crafted with Fletching skill), or crossbows & bolts.  If there is not a direct line of sight between you and the monster you want to shoot at, then you will not shoot at it.  If you are attacked while you are shooting a monster, you will stop shooting and start Fighting with your hands.  You must have arrows or bolts in your inventory, the proper ranging lvl to wield the bow, and the proper bow for equipping the arrows/bolts.  As soon as you hit your target with an arrow (if it is a NPC), it will attempt to attack you.  The best way to avoid being physically attacked is to have something between your target and you that you can still shoot over (table, fence, counter, etc.).  Another way is to range a monster or person who is under attack by another player (this really ticks off the attacking player though).  All arrows that do not hit the intended target can be found lying on the ground.  Should you travel out of your "cover" without killing the target NPC, the NPC will then follow and attack you (unless someone else attacks it).

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  • Weapons & Info:
    Note that higher lvl woods and arrowheads will improve reload time and increase damage done (only applies to bows & arrows).  All terms for reload time and damage are relative to target defense and your ranging lvl.  See Fletching for all other types of bows and arrows.

    Weapon Picture Reload Time Damage Ammo Type
    Shortbow Normal Shortbow Short Light Arrows (Bronze Arrows)
    Longbow Normal Longbow Medium Medium Arrows (Bronze Arrows)
    Crossbow Crossbow Long Heavy Bolts (Crossbow Bolts) or Oyster Pearl Bolts (Oyster Pearl Bolts)

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  • Thrown Weapons (non-stackable):
    These weapons cannot be stacked like arrows can.  More damage will be done by these weapons.  Also, if one of these weapons is equipped when you are attacked, you will use the weapon to defend yourself.

Weapon Picture Damage
Spear (bronze, iron, steel, mithril, adamanite, runeite) (Bronze Spear, Iron Spear, Steel Spear, n/a, n/a, n/a) n/a
Throwing Knife (bronze, iron, steel, mithril, adamanite, runeite) (n/a, n/a, n/a, n/a, n/a, n/a) n/a

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