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  • All items highlighted in yellow are members only features!

  • Combat Lvl Calculators: Tip.It

  • Combat (Fighting) Calculators: Tip.It

Combat Stats | Equipment Stats | Fighting Monsters | Combat Styles | Dueling | Player Killing

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  • Combat Stats:

  • Attack: This along with the Weapon Aim stat helps to determine your chances of hitting an enemy.  This stat can be decreased by some items (beer (Beer), wine (Wine)) and some magic spells (lvl 3 Confuse & lvl 80 Stun).  This stat can also be raised by some items (attack potion () & super attack potion ()) and prayers (lvl 7 Clarity of Thought, lvl 16 Improved Reflexes, & lvl 34 Incredible Reflexes).

  • Defense: This along with the Armor stat helps to determine your chances to avoid some or all damage.  This stat can be decreased by some magic spells (lvl 19 Curse & lvl 66 Vulnerability).  This stat can also be raised by some items (defense potion (), & super defense potion ()) and prayers (lvl 1 Thick Skin, lvl 10 Rock Skin, & lvl 28 Steel Skin).

  • Strength: This along with the Weapon Power stat helps to determine the damage you do to an enemy.  This stat can be decreased by some magic spells (lvl 3 Weaken & lvl 73 Enfeeble).  This stat can also be raised by some items (strength potion (), super strength potion (), & beer (Beer)) and prayers (lvl 5 Burst of Strength, lvl 13 Superhuman Strength, & lvl 31 Ultimate Strength).

  • HP: The left number tells you your current health, while the right number tells you your maximum health.  1/4 of exp from every fight goes towards your HP exp.  There is no way to change this.  When your HP reaches 0, you die and return to Lumbridge.  Increase your HP by eating food (see Cooking for healing amounts) or by using the lvl 22 Rapid Heal prayer.

  • Combat Lvl: This is a lvl representing your overall combat abilities.  You can use this to size up another PC or a NPC before you go fight them.

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  • Equipment Stats:

  • Armor: This along with the Defense stat helps to determine your chances to avoid some or all damage.  Different types of armor have varying lvls of this stat.  Some items (non-weapons/armor) can also modify this stat.

  • Weapon Aim: This along with the Attack stat helps to determine your chances of hitting an enemy.  Different types of weapons have varying lvls of this stat.  Some items (non-weapons/armor) can also modify this stat.

  • Weapon Power: This along with the Strength stat helps to determine the damage you do to an enemy.  Different types of weapons have varying lvls of this stat.  Some items (non-weapons/armor) can also modify this stat.

  • Magic:  This skill, along with the regular Magic stat will determine your ability to successfully cast a spell.  This also slightly modifies the strength &/or duration of a spell's effect.  This stat can be modified by some weapons and items.

  • Prayer: This skill, along with the regular Prayer stat will determine your ability to successfully cast a prayer.  This also slightly modifies the duration of your prayer points.  This stat can be modified by some items.

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  • Fighting Monsters (NPC's):

  • To fight most monsters, just point at the monster and left-click if it says attack.  Some monsters that have lvls higher than yours may need to be right-clicked, then select attack from the menu that pops up.  Some monsters & NPC's are part of quests and can only be attacked & killed once.  Others are simply non-attackable.

  • Note the combat lvl displayed next to the target's name.  This should help you decide if you should attack this target or not.

  • All combat lvls are color coded.  Light/neon green indicates that the monster has a combat lvl much lower than yours.  Then the colors gradually shift to yellow, which means the target monster has a combat lvl equal to yours.  Then the scale shifts through orange and on to red.  Red generally means that you are strongly discouraged to attack the target because its combat lvl is much higher than yours.
    Combat Lvl Color Code

  • Most monsters that are well below your combat lvl will avoid you, but some will aggressively pursue you.  Also, be wary of attacking monsters with combat lvls above of your own.  You may die before you get the chance to retreat.

  • If you die, you will lose all but the three (four if you use the lvl 25 Protect Items prayer) most valuable items in your inventory.  Note that all stackable items (gp, arrows, runes, etc.) will be lost when you die.

  • Note that your and your opponent's HP are represented as bars above your heads.  The green portion of the bar is health remaining, while the red portion is health lost.

  • Numbers appearing in the stars represent how much damage is done with each blow delivered.

  • After 3 rounds of combat, a player or NPC may retreat from battle.  Please note that you, the player, cannot log out of the game until 10 or more seconds have passed since you last left combat.

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  • Combat Styles:

  • Controlled: Gives 1/4 of the combat experience to Attack, Strength, & Defense (HP always gets 1/4 no matter what setting you fight on)

  • Aggressive: Gives 3/4 of the combat experience to Strength (HP always gets 1/4 no matter what setting you fight on)

  • Accurate: Gives 3/4 of the combat experience to Attack (HP always gets 1/4 no matter what setting you fight on)

  • Defensive: Gives 3/4 of the combat experience to Defense (HP always gets 1/4 no matter what setting you fight on)

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  • Dueling:

  • To duel someone, you must first send/receive a duel request.  Then the receiver of the request must choose to duel or not to duel the sender of the request.  Then a new screen comes up where various options can be chosen, and the wagers from both duelists can be made.  Dueling in itself is just like normal combat.

  • Besides choosing what rewards to play the duel for, players can also choose four different ways to modify the duel

  1. No Retreating: When this is accepted by both fighters, neither of them can retreat from the battle and must fight until death.

  2. No Prayer: This disallows players to take advantage of their prayer skill during the fight.

  3. No Magic: This disallows players to take advantage of their magic skill during the fight.

  4. No Weapons: This option will not allow players to wield their weapons or armor until the fight is over.

  • When you kill someone in a duel, they leave the items that they staked, as well as some bones, lying on the ground underneath you.  Pick them up as your reward for you combat prowess.

  • Please note that killing other players while not in the wilderness does not activate the whole skull & crossbones process mentioned in the next section (dueling does not count as PKing).

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  • Player Killing (PKing):

  • This can only be done in the wilderness.  It has the potential of earning you great rewards if you kill the right person.

  • Note that once you enter the wilderness, an icon will appear in the lower right side of the screen.  This is the wilderness lvl indicator (Wilderness Lvl Indicator).  Take the # displayed there, then add & subtract it from your combat lvl.  This range will tell you who can attack you and who you can attack.  The further you go into the wilderness, the greater the range of levels that are attackable.

  • If you should happen to kill another player, a skull & crossbones will appear above your head (Player Killer (PKer)) for 20 minutes.  During this time, if you are killed you will lose every single item that you are carrying.  Not even the Protect Items prayer will save an item for you during these 20 minutes.  Every time you attack and/or kill another player, the 20 minute clock is reset.  All people who kill other players are often called PKers.  You must play for 20 minutes (in the game) without attacking any player to regain your 3 item protection again (skull & crossbones disappear).

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