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Fatigue | Causing Stats | Reduce Fatigue


  • Fatigue: This stat increases as you use certain skills/stats.  It is noted in %.  When you reach the maximum fatigue % for your lvl, you will have to lower the percent before you may continue doing what you were doing.

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  • Caused by...:  Fatigue is now caused by the usage of all statistics.  Please note that when the fatigue % reaches its max for your lvl, you will not be able to do anything until you lower the fatigue %.

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There are several methods for accomplishing this task.  They are:

  • Find a bed and choose to rest on it.  This will reduce your fatigue back to 0%

  • Buy a sleeping bag (Sleeping Bag) and sleep in it.  To wake up, you must type the word found at the bottom of the screen.

  • Eat food.  More data coming about how much fatigue % is removed by what foods.

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