to complete the quest must be highlighted to be seen!
Start this quest by talking to the cook in Lumbridge Castle
(1st Floor).
The cook asks you to bring her some ingredients so that she
can make a cake (all of the ingredients must be in your inventory).
Ingredient 1:
An egg (). Kill
lvl 3 chickens ()
until one drops this.
Ingredient 2: Milk
Get a bucket () (buy at general shop, or get in Chicken house) and use the
bucket with a cow (). The bucket will now be filled with milk.
Ingredient 3: Flour
Get some wheat ()
from a field. Get a pot (). Go into a windmill and
climb to the top. Place the wheat in the hopper (), then choose to
operate the hopper. Go back down to the bottom of the windmill and use
the pot with the white pile (flour) to get a pot filled with flour.
Bring all of these items to the cook at the same
time. Talk to the cook to finish the quest.