Black Knight's Fortress
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  • Hints to complete the quest must be highlighted to be seen!
  • Start this quest by talking to Sir Amik Varze, who can be found on the 2nd floor of Falador Castle.  He will give you information about the black knights' threats of creating a powerful weapon.  He wants you to go find out what the weapon is, then attempt to sabotage it.  To do this, you must go to the Black Knight's Fortress (see World Map).
  • Get into the fortress: To get inside, you must wear a guard uniform (iron chain mail (Iron Chain Mail) & medium bronze helmet (Medium Bronze Helmet)), then you can enter through the side door. 

  • What is the Weapon?: There is a fake wall at one end of the room that you can go through.  Go up the ladder and listen at the grate to discover what the secret weapon is.  It is an invincibility potion!

  • Sabotage!: To sabotage the potion, you must go get a cabbage (Cabbage) from any place other than Draynor Manor.  Then go through the door that leads to the room with a lot of lvl 46 Black Knights (). Then head into the room south of here and go up the stairs.  Now climb the ladder found to your W.  Push the odd looking wall to enter another secret room.  Use the non-magical cabbage with the hole to drop it into the witch's potion.  You've foiled the evil Black Knights' plot.

  • Get the Reward: Go back and speak with Sir Amik Varze after ruining the potion.

  • Reward: 3 Quest Points; 2500 gp