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September 8 | September 9 | September 22 | September 30

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September 30, 2003:

       Guthix, perhaps the strangest deity in RuneScape, brings a little wisdom and clarity to the general RuneScapian population, and perhaps reveals a few secrets, in the latest edition of our always popular letters pages, Letters 16...

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September 22, 2003:

       The clash of powerful magics... the thrill of utterly defeating a foe with the Flames of Zamorak... the agony of falling to a superior mage whose powers surpass your own...

       All this and more can now be experienced by yourself in our latest addition to the Wilderness - The Mage Arena!

       Kolodion, the master of battle magic, has set up an arena deep in the wilderness.
Prove yourself worthy of this blood thirsty wizard by surviving the trials of the mage arena and he will teach you new spells, more powerful and destructive than any seen before in the world of RuneScape...

Minimum requirements are:

       A Magic level of 60
       Members only

       Talk to Kolodion in the Northern Wilderness to begin your combat - if you dare!

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September 9, 2003:

       We would like to make everyone aware that we have added Rule 12 to our rules.

This rule says that:

       'RuneScape items must only be exchanged for other items/services within the game. Exchanging RuneScape items for real-life money or other real-life benefits is not allowed.'

       This is not a new rule - it has always been part of the terms and conditions that every player agrees to when creating their account. However, we felt that this needed to be made absolutely clear, so it is now also part of our rules.

       The reason for this is simple - We want RuneScape to be a game where everyone has the same chance regardless of their wealth in real-life.

       This is also the reason we don't sell RuneScape items for cash on our own website. Even though we could make extra money in this way. We don't think it's fair or even fun if players can just buy their way to the top!

       We have had a lot of comments asking why don't we offer pay by cash methods for North Americans? Well, the answer is - we do! And not just for people living in North America.

       Via our payment service provider PaybyCash we offer a whole range of different ways to pay.

       One of the simplest is to pay via Western Union, all you need to do is click 'Subscribe' on our front page, log-in, and then select the PaybyCash option. Then you can choose to pay via Western Union or one of the other methods available.

       For Western Union you simply fill in a form, take it to your nearest Western Union branch and pay cash over the counter. Western Union have over 150,000 counters worldwide, so there is almost certainly one near you! Paybycash will then process your payment as quickly as possible and email you confirmation. It's that easy!

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September 8, 2003:

       We are pleased to announce that our Australian and New Zealand players can now pay for a RuneScape members subscription using the popular online payment service Paymate via our payment partner Paybycash.

       If you have a Paymate account and you would like to use it to pay for your subscription, click the 'subscribe' link from our front page, log-in securely and select the Paybycash payment option. Once you reach the Paybycash website you will be able to select the pay by Paymate package that you want.

       Our new Toronto game worlds are now live!

       There is both a free and a members game world, which should provide a fast service for our players in Canada and North America.


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