December |
December 1 | December 2 | December 3 | December 5 | December 7 | December 8 | December 9 | December 14 | December 15 | December 18 | December 22 | December 23 | December 30 December 30, 2003: There seems to be an increase in trade scams recently, so we'd like to warn you to be extra careful. Some dishonest players in RuneScape are tricking other players in the game by changing quantities at the very last minute causing the other player to receive much less than they expected. So for example they offer 4 million coins, and then at the last second just as you are pressing accept they change it to 400K coins, and hope you won't notice. Therefore you need to read the trade confirmation screen very carefully!. Double check that you getting the number you expect. Some players are failing to notice the number has lost a zero off the end, and are getting scammed. Make sure that you read the trade confirmation thoroughly before clicking the accept button, never be persuaded to click through the windows quickly. To help you out, we have just made some changes to the confirm screen to make the amounts more obvious. Amounts are now color-coded, separated with commas, and written in both words and numbers! This will hopefully make the above scam much less effective, but you should still be careful. December 23, 2003: Last night saw 22,000 simultaneous players, and things were getting a bit crowded! Therefore I've added some more RS1 worlds for you to play on. All the worlds are in 'San Jose'. There are 3 free worlds, and 1 members world. Hope you enjoy them! December 22, 2003: This is just a quick note to say that there aren't going to be any RuneScape items dropped at Christmas. I really don't like having to say this, but I can't see any sensible alternative. This is because the last few drops actually caused a lot of upset, and resulted in a *huge* number of complaints from players who didn't manage to get an item (or didn't get as many as their mates). Many players seemed to get really upset about the drop which is of course the exact opposite of the intended effect. These drops used to be fun, when we started them - because they were a surprise, and nobody took them too seriously. They were just a little bit of extra fun for people who were around at the time. However nowadays many players seem to expect the 'surprise' drop to happen, and so it just doesn't work the same. Please don't go complaining to customer-support or moaning on the forums about the Christmas drop. It won't change anything. Of course I'm expecting we'll get lots of complaints whatever we do :-( Which just goes to prove how horribly wrong the whole holiday-drop thing has become. The more complaints we get the more it proves to me that we really need to just stop the whole holiday-drop thing before the situation gets even worse. On a more positive note, we are instead going to focus our time & efforts on improving the game in other exciting ways, and working on getting RS2 ready for launch early next year. December 18, 2003: Today we have introduced the following additions and improvements to Runescape 2:
We have fixed the following bugs:
December 15, 2003: Hi - today we have expanded the RS2 map area, to include Seers village, Camelot, Catherby and Brimhaven. This includes the following quests: This area also includes shark fishing, big net fishing and magic trees. There are lots more areas which are almost ready, expect the heros quest and the family crest quest to be in the game soon. December 14, 2003: We have recently fixed the following bugs in RS2:
Following player feedback we have also
December 9, 2003: Hi - today we uploaded some more bug fixes
Also... We have updated our security tips to give advice on how best to keep your system free of unwanted advertising and tracking software (commonly known as 'spyware'). If you are still seeing multiple pop-up adverts when you visit our website it is NOT coming from us, but is probably coming from a program which you may have picked up from a third-party website. If you are seeing annoying pop-up adverts when visiting us, and want to remove them - then we recommend you read our updated security tips for info on how. December 8, 2003: As expected the number of players on our RuneScape2 Beta worlds has now calmed down a little, so we have reduced the number of servers back down to a number more suited to the number of people playing. What we really need to do is test how the game behaves with slightly more crowded worlds. Since it's important to keep the testing conditions realistic - compared to how they will be for the final release. It's also obviously also not so much fun if the world you are on is almost totally empty and there is nobody to interact with. So this change should help both us and you. Andrew December 7, 2003: It has come to our attention that one of the advertising agencies that supplies adverts for our website has been careless and was running an advert which causes multiple pop-up windows and/or virus false-alerts. We are obviously extremely annoyed at the advert-agency for allowing this to happen. We know how annoying pop-up adverts are, and explicitly told them they must not run them. We have now fixed this problem by disabling ALL adverts from this advert agency. All their adverts and code have been removed from our site in response, so the problem should no longer occur. If you are still seeing pop-up windows at then try rebooting your computer. If the problem still persists then let us know, remembering to tell us the name of the advert causing the problem. Also I'd like to reassure players that if they saw a warning about a virus called "JS/NoClose" they do not need to worry too much. This is not a real virus, but rather a way of opening many pop-up windows. It does not cause any other damage or problems, and I believe all you have to do to erase it is reboot your computer. So if you are seeing these warnings, please reboot your machine. If the problem persists after reboot then let us know. I sincerely apologize for this. Like I say I'm severely disappointed with the advert-agency for doing this. I'll do what I can to make sure it doesn't happen again. Andrew December 5, 2003: Today's RS2 fixes and changes:
We also fixed a number of typos and small graphical issues which are not worth listing. Also
by popular request - the following monsters shouldn't block your way any more:
hobgoblins, all types of spider, white wolves and greater demons. December 3, 2003: Well we said we were going to be fixing more bugs in RuneScape2, so here is the second batch.
Also by popular demand we have added some flax to Taverley so people can try out ranging and fletching properly. As we said yesterday, thank you to the many players who have been giving us constructive feedback - you can expect continued fixes and changes. December 2, 2003: Hi - we've updated the RuneScape 2 Frequently Asked Questions page to answer some of the more common queries that players have been asking about the RS2 beta. You can find the RS2 FAQ in the same place as before, in the 'F.A.Q.' section linked from our front page. It's certainly worth having a look at this if you're not aware of some of the in-game text effects that RS2 offers! Thanks for all your feedback, today we have fixed several RS2 bugs.
Obviously there is still a lot to work on. So we'll keep at it. This is a very complex game indeed, and we're expecting to fix/improve many more things yet. December 1, 2003: We have added another three worlds to the RuneScape 2 beta to add more capacity for downloading and playing RS2. We were also experiencing some bandwidth problems with our servers located at San Jose, but these have now been resolved. Thanks to all of our members who have been very patient in waiting to download the RuneScape2 client - our servers were always going to be very busy with so many of you wanting to download the game right from the start! We are very pleased to announce that the RuneScape2 Beta has launched! For the moment, only RuneScape Members can access this exclusive beta by clicking the link at the top of our front page. Important Note! Since the RuneScape2 game window is larger than before, we advise that users running at a resolution of 800x600 use Internet Explorer's fullscreen option (press F11 or select 'View -> Full Screen') and then auto-hide the top navigation bar by right clicking on it and selecting 'auto-hide'. Oh,
and if you want to talk in color try: We hope that you enjoy testing RS2 - please send all feedback/bugs for this RS2 beta to our Forums rather than via Customer Support. Thanks, Andrew and the RuneScape Team |