May |
May 5 | May 10 | May 14 | May 18 | May 21 | May 24 | May 25 May 25, 2004: We are pleased to announce that we have once again updated our World Map of the RuneScape world! You can see the new version of the World Map, complete with all the latest map areas in the 'How To Play' section of our front page, or by clicking here. May 24, 2004: Players will be glad to hear that today we have expanded our RuneScape hiscores list to show the top 500,000 players in every skill. We have made this change as the competition was getting extremely fierce for a place in the hiscores in certain stats. You now have a greater chance of being able to see how you rank against your friends and enemies in your favorite skill! Please note that you still need at least level 30 in a skill to appear in the relevant table. Also players who have not yet played since the change will not appear in the table until they login, so it will take a few days to fill up. May 21, 2004: We have recently upgraded our UK PayBySMS Telebilling service. Please note that when sending an SMS to subscribe using PayBySMS in the UK, you should now send to the new shortcode 89118. Thanks, May 18, 2004: City
life doesn't suit everyone, which is why Rantz and the rest of his ogre family
have set up residence on the east coast in a cozy little cave with a nice view
of the sea. Rantz
is keen to start the Chompy Bird hunting season, but can't get started. He's all
fingers and thumbs when it comes to making ogre arrows for his huge ogre bow. May 14, 2004: The server which runs world 17 in Toronto seems to have suffered a hardware failure. We are currently looking into getting the machine fixed, but the world may be offline for a few days if we have to ship it back to the manufacturer for repairs. Please use a different world in the meantime. Thanks for your patience, we're working to get it repaired as quickly as possible. May 10, 2004: Rangers now get arrows back from duels. Previously when a duel ended a ranger would be teleported out, leaving all the arrows they had fired on the ground. Now they get the arrows put back in their inventory at the end instead. New duel options:
People were commenting that the fire giants under the waterfall were getting overcrowded; they will be happy to know the giants have now increased in numbers there. May 5, 2004: Bigger bank space: Treasure trails: Each clue points to the location of another random clue. Solve enough clues (and maybe face one or two other challenges) and you will eventually find treasure, which could be anything from food or weapons to various rare items which can only be found on treasure trails. Stronger monsters will tend to drop harder clues which will tend to lead towards more valuable treasure. Be warned the hardest clues are very tricky indeed. You can't be on more than one treasure trail at once. If you have a clue, NPCs won't drop more clues until you solve the trail you are on, or you abandon the trail by dropping your current clue. Treasure clue are a fairly rare drop. A similar sort of rarity to low level gems, although not necessarily on the same monsters. If you just keep playing normally you will get them as a pleasant surprise from time to time. Good luck and happy treasure hunting! Faster herblore secondary
ingredients respawns: |