January |
January 2 | January 7 | January 21 | January 28 | January 29 | January 31 January 31, 2004: We appreciate how patient everyone has been in the wait for RS2. The Beta has gone well and we have been fixing bugs at a rapid rate. We want to let you know that: There will be a very large update to RS2 early next week where we hope to get most (but not quite all) the remaining quests and map online. We have also been working hard to tweak RS2 on the basis of your feedback. For instance we've been working to make sure the nice graphics and animations don't get in the way of the actual game. This means reducing the delay/lag on lots of animations, and removing a few annoying animations entirely - so things like cooking, taking items, dropping items, and other skills, are much faster to do (no longer slower to do than rs1). You will see some of these changes in next weeks update, and they really help the game flow a lot better. We are still on target for the full launch of RS2. We are hoping to be ready at the start of March. This is not yet written in stone however we wanted to let you know what sort of time frame we are working to here. It is now 100% certain that we WILL keep RS1 running past the RS2 launch. We understand that some people don't like us changing things, so RS1 will be kept for those people, and we'll try to resist updating/changing it! RS2 will meanwhile continue to be updated on a regular basis for the people who do like updates. Here's the current plan for how running the 2 games together will work. This may be revised slightly depending on the feedback we get:
Thanks, January 29, 2004: We
are happy to report that the maintenance operations and enhancements we have
been carrying out to the website are now complete. We have made some
important changes to the way that you manage your RuneScape account and
password, and also how we communicate with you. As of now, Jagex will NEVER send you email - all replies to queries that you send to us in will placed in your message centre, which you access as before by logging in to the secure area of our website. We don't even send email reminders anymore. Therefore
if you do receive ANY email that appears to be from us, then you should assume
it is a fake and ignore it. Password Support used to be provided using email, with us giving you a new password and emailing it to you. Since we no longer send email, the Password Support process has changed. Now, when you fill in the password support form, we ask you to choose a new password in advance, and give you a unique 'tracker id'. Using this tracker id allows you to view the status of your password support request directly from the Customer Support area of our website. Since
we don't contact you when we have processed your request, it is up to you to
check the status of your password support request from our website using the
tracker id. When Customer Support has finished processing your request, you will
be able to see the final decision (request accepted or declined). We have moved changing your password and changing your recovery details from within the game into the secure area of our website. When you log-in to the secure area of the website, you will see that the secure menu will show you when you last updated your password, recovery details and contact details and provides links for you to update this information. You
will also notice that the secure menu gives you other useful information, such
as the number of unread messages you have in your inbox and (if you are a
member) what is new on the forums since your last visit and how much membership
credit you have. Lastly, we have changed our rules slightly to make them clearer. There are no 'new' rules, we are simply making sure that everyone fully understands our current rules. You can see our rules by clicking through 'Rules and Security' on our front page. January 28, 2004: We regret that the maintenance and enhancements that we are making to our website are taking longer than expected. We estimate that the secure area of the website and forums will be re-available from 13:00 GMT on Thursday. Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience that this causes - we are working hard to bring our systems back online as soon as we can. Both the RS1 and RS2 games themselves, are still available. Today we will be carrying out some essential maintenance and enhancements to the RuneScape Website. This will mean that you will not be able to log-in to the secure area of our website for a short time. This maintenance should only take a couple of hours, and we appreciate your patience during this time. The Jagex Web Team January 21, 2004: Today
we have uploaded a number of updates for Runescape 2. Map areas New Runescape 2 area - Rangers'
Guild 3 quests and a mini game Sound effects Make over mage Market stalls Bug fixes include:
January 7, 2004: Today we have introduced a number of new features to Runescape 2. Hair and clothing makeovers You can now change the base appearance of your character. Speak to Thessalia in the Varrock clothes shop, or the hairdresser in Falador, pay some money and choose your new style. Expect more characters who can provide more makeover options in future updates. Running Your character can now run which makes you move twice as fast. To run choose the option in the new 'player options' menu. Alternatively just hold down 'control' on your keyboard when you click to walk. You can't run constantly, and will need to take occasional breaks. How long you can run for depends on how much you are carrying, and how fast your energy restores depends on your agility. Auto retaliate on/off Before your character would always turn to attack a monster who was attacking. Now however you can turn the auto retaliate option off. This means you can continue mining and ignore the insignificant spider that is under the delusion that it can eat you. Also useful if you are a mage and don't want your character to chase after someone with melee combat. Emote animations The new 'player options' menu contains several buttons to make your character perform all sorts of actions: clapping, waving, bowing and many more. Bug fixes We have fixed the following bugs:
January 2, 2004: Well I've just got back from my Christmas break, so now I'm back to updating RuneScape! Even though I was away visiting my family for 1 week, I managed to get quite a few new things programmed on my laptop, so there should be a nice update to rs2 early next week. Also I'd just like to wish a happy new year to all our players from the staff here at Jagex. I hope you had a great Christmas, and wish you all the best for the coming year. It should be an exciting one! Andrew We've just permanently banned 957 players, for cheating and using macro software to automatically play the game for them. We will NOT tolerate cheating, it ruins the game for everyone else. If you do not know the rules, then I recommend you read them. We now have multiple different ways of detecting macro software, and we're are determined that nobody will get away with cheating like this. If you cheat we will catch you eventually, you WILL be banned and everything you've achieved will be wasted. I'd also like to point out that just because you are a high level player or a member does NOT mean you can get way with cheating. Many of those 957 were high level, and 284 of them were members. They are banned anyway, we don't want you as customers! You are not welcome in RuneScape if you cheat. And to prove we're serious, and that we really can detect this type of cheating - Here is a list of 100 of the worst offenders, all of whom are now banned. This is a mere fraction of the players now permanently banned.