July |
July 27, 2004: Brimhaven Agility Arena The enterprising Cap'n Izzy No-Beard invites you to the Brimhaven Agility Arena, entry is only 200 gp! The entrance is the bamboo hut in the north-east part of Brimhaven. The Agility Arena is a huge cavern of platforms connected by traps and obstacles. There are many different routes to get around the agility arena, you are much more likely to fail the obstacles on some routes than on others, some ways can not even be taken until you reach a certain agility level. One platform is marked by a flashing arrow, try and make your way to it. Every minute a different platform will become the one with the flashing arrow instead. If you tag more than one pillar in a row then you will receive a ticket. You won't get a ticket at the first pillar but you will for every pillar you tag after that. If you miss a pillar then you will miss out on the next ticket so try and get as many as you can! You can save up these tickets and trade them in for more agility experience or for some items which you can't get anywhere else. There is no agility requirement but players with low agility will find it difficult to get any tickets. As your agility level increases and you can take more routes through the arena and you start to fail the traps and obstacles less you will begin to get significantly more tickets. There be booty to be got, ye landlocked landlubbers! New Potions 2 of the things you can get from your agilty arena tickets are new herbs - Toadflax and Snapdragon. These are the potions associated with those herbs. Herblore level 34: Toadflax +
Toads' Legs = Agility Potion Party Room changes
Party Pete will now periodically clear worthless junk from the drop chest. He
will leave anything which he thinks has some value. We've unfortunately just had to permanently ban 80 players for bug abuse. In this case for taking advantage of a bug which made it possible to get a certain quest reward repeatedly rather than just once. We would like to remind everyone that we will not tolerate players who abuse bugs in RuneScape, and serious abusers will always be banned. If you are in any doubt on our rules, please take the time to review them again. These days we produce detailed logs of all activity on RuneScape, so even if someone abuses a bug we don't yet know about, when we DO find out about (and we will), then we'll check back through our historical logs and ban them anyway. It's just not possible to get away with this abuse anymore. It pains us greatly to lose 80 members in this way, and we just can't believe that 80 players have just chosen to throw away hours of work, by deliberately abusing a bug! There was no chance of getting away with it. Why did you do it? So please do not risk your account in this way. If you do find a bug in RuneScape, the right action is to immediately report it through our bug report form in the customer support section of the website, and then to avoid doing it again. Finally we would like to reassure our users that we are very, very careful not to ban people who have only gained from a bug accidentally. The players we just banned were all players who abused the bug repeatedly, many over 100 times in order to try and gain an unfair advantage. Players who reported the bug to us were given more leeway, although even if you report it that doesn't give you excuse to then go and use it repeatedly until it's fixed. Be safe, and don't abuse bugs you find. Report them immediately! July 20, 2004: Quest Journals
We have now greatly improved the in game quest interface. Clicking on a quest in
your quest menu will now bring up a journal recording what has been achieved so
far by your character on that quest. Chompy Bird Hats
As some of you will know, once you have finished the Big Chompy Bird Hunting
quest you can start to get ranks as a chompybird hunter. This rank is based on
the number of the birds you have killed. July 13, 2004: The priest Drezel has a special request for any adventurous sorts to search for the Druid 'Filliman Tarlock' and brave the terrors that infest the swamp of Mort Myre. Those ready for the awaiting challenge should prepare themselves for the Nature Spirit quest! |