- Start this quest by talking to the Duke of Lumbridge.
He will give you an air talisman and tell you to take it to the head wizard
at Wizard's Tower.
Find the Head Wizard:
Go to the Wizard's Tower (S of Draynor Village) and go down into the
basement. The head wizard's name is Sedridor. Speak with
Sedridor, and give
him the air talisman (). He will become excited, and will ask you to take
a research package () to the Varrock magic shopkeeper, who is named Aubury.
The Shopkeeper: To
find Aubury, go to Varrock, then go to the Magic Shop (S of eastern
bank). Speak with him to give him the package. In return, he tells you
that if you deliver the notes () that he will give you,
Sedridor will tell you the
secrets that they have discovered.
Get the Reward:
Deliver the notes to Sedridor.
- Reward: 1 Quest Point; Use of Runecrafting
skill; Air Talisman ()