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Gameplay | New Skill Stuff

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  • All F2P runes (all runes except bloods & souls) are for sale in all of the rune shops.
  • Fly fishing is automatic (fish until you run out of feathers)
  • You mine until you get the ore.  Higher lvl picks (like runeite) give you a greater chance of getting the ore sooner than lower lvl picks (like bronze) will.  When your inventory is full, you will not be able to mine any more ore.
  • You no longer have to wait to talk to any NPC.  Now multiple people can talk to the same NPC at the same time.
  • New F2P quest called Rune Mysteries (activates Runecrafting)
  • Bank deposits & withdrawals are more flexible with the option to withdraw/deposit 1, 5, 10, all, or x (a user defined number) of an item.
  • Shops work in a similar method to the banks.
  • All users can run from battle whenever they please; however, their opponent can also immediately give chase and do damage to them without worrying about the runner striking back.
  • Smithing bars into objects will now call up a screen that will display all possible objects that can be made with that metal.  The name of all objects where you do not have the requisite number of bars will be displayed in red, rather than in white.
  • This same system works for crafting (gold w/ or w/o gems, silver, and leather).
  • Users may now run (move faster) to places by holding Ctrl, then clicking on the map, or by selecting the run option in the new toolbar menu.  Note that the mass of what you are carrying will affect the rate at which your energy decreases and your agility lvl will affect the rate at which it replenishes.
  • Jagex has also added in emotion animations.  Users can now see their characters wave hi, cry, dance, and so much more.
  • Non-stackable objects, such as ores and food, can now be withdrawn from the bank as stackable notes.  Do note that you cannot use the object while it is in note form, but you can use an alchemy spell on the note to get the same amount of money if you had cast the spell on the object itself.

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New Skill Stuff/Items:

  • Herblore: New Herb (Lantadyme; Needs Lvl 67 Herblore to identify) & Potion (Anti-Fire Breath Potion; Lantadyme + Ground Blue Dragon Scale; Lvl 69 Herblore to make)

  • Smithing Warhammers:

Metal Picture Bars of Metal Required Smithing Lvl Required
Bronze n/a n/a 9
Iron n/a n/a 24
Steel n/a n/a 39
Mithril n/a n/a 59
Adamanite n/a n/a 79
Runeite n/a n/a n/a
  • Leather Crafting:

Hide Type Item Picture Crafting Lvl Required
Green Vambraces n/a 57
Chaps n/a 60
Body n/a 63
Blue Vambraces n/a 66
Chaps n/a 68
Body n/a 71
Red Vambraces n/a 73
Chaps n/a 75
Body n/a 77
Black Vambraces n/a 79
Chaps n/a 82
Body n/a 84

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