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Text Colors | Slang

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  • Text Colors & Commands: Note that only 1 color per sentence is allowed.

Color Code for Color
Flashing colors @ran@
Red @red@
Dark Red @dre@
Orange @ora@, @or1@, @or2@, @or3@
Yellow @yel@
Green @gre@, @gr1@, @gre2@, @gr3@
Cyan @cya@
Blue @blu@
Magenta @mag@
White @whi@
Black @bla@
(### = a number)
Returns cursor to position ###,
result can only be seen by you

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Slang Word / Abbreviation English Word
2h (2-h) 2-handed sword
addy Adamanite
AFK Away From Keyboard
ammy amulet
atk attack
BRB (brb) Be right back
btw by the way
c see
c ya see ya!
def defense
F2P (f2p) Free to Play (Free Runescape)
G2G (g2g) got to go
Gp (gp) gold piece (Runescape currency)
Hit (hit) To kill/attack another player
IDK (idk) I don't know
imo in my opinion
K (k) OK or 1,000 of something
KBD Lvl 250 King Black Dragon (highest lvl monster in the game)
large (lrg) large helmet
lobby lobster
lol laugh out loud
long long sword
lumby Lumbridge
med medium helmet
mil 1,000,000 of something
mith Mithril
nfs not for sale
Nm (nvm) Never mind
noob (n00b) newbie (used as a taunt)
Np (np) No problem
NPC non-player character (monsters)
oic oh, I see
omg Oh my gosh! or Oh my god!
P2P (p2p) Pay to Play (Members Runescape)
PC player character
PKer Player Killer (has skull & crossbones above their head)
PKing Player Killing (done only in wilderness)
plz please
pot potion
ppl people
pure a player who has low Magic and Prayer, but high combat stats (str)
r are
rl real life
rofl Rolling on the floor laughing
RS (rs) Runescape
rune Runeite
short short sword
str strength
swordie/swordy swordfish
tnx (thx) thanks
train to lvl up your stats
TY (ty) thank you
u you
ur your
YW (yw) your welcome

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